Spectrum Center November 2021 Webinar: Maritime Mobile Ship Station Licensing

You are invited to participate in the upcoming webinar on processing Maritime Ship Station license applications with the Spectrum-E© e-Licensing Module. This demonstration will cover the following common steps involved with preparing, submitted, reviewing, and approving (or rejecting) a Maritime Ship Station License application request:

  1. Creation of a ship station license application by an applicant including defining vessel details (type, gross tonnage, length, capacity, etc.) used in fee calculations.
  2. Defining ship station radio equipment types and technical parameters.
  3. Checking International Maritime Organization (IMO) ship registration values for accuracy.
  4. Receipt of ship station license applications by the regulator.
  5. Generation and recycling of Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) codes in accordance with ITU recommendations.
  6. On-line payment of Maritime Ship Station license application processing fees.
  7. Ship station license certificate generation.
  8. EPIRB registration and integration with the COSPAS SARSAT system.
  9. Generation of the notification file compatible with the ITU’s Maritime mobile Access and Retrieval System (MARS) database.

This event has concluded. You can view a recording of the webinar event on our YouTube channel by clicking on the following link:

Spectrum Center Webinar: Maritime Ship Radio Station Licensing.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at sales@spectrum.center.