Turn-key Spectrum Management Software

Spectrum Center offers spectrum management software which enables spectrum authorities to execute automated workflows for licensing, billing, frequency coordination (local, national, regional & international), interfacing with measurement devices, equipment type approval and more.

Their flagship spectrum management software solution is called Spectrum-E©. The Spectrum-E© platform uses a Windows, Apache, SQL, PHP (WASP) n-tiered web-application architecture. Through continuous innovation and by embracing the latest web technologies SpectrumE© easily adapts to the rapidly evolving web technology landscape. Spectrum Center brings to market a forward-thinking, cutting-edge, commercially viable software solution for spectrum management.

Click here for a PDF brochure that includes an overview on Spectrum Center and a summary of key features of Spectrum-E©.

diagram of roles of a spectrum management tools.

Three modules

Since its inception, Spectrum-E© has grown to incorporate all the requirements of a spectrum regulatory authority across three independent modules:

E-Licensing – Allowing spectrum regulators and frequency coordinators to automate the processing of radio spectrum license requests

Technical Analysis – Enabling access to the COTS functionality of Spectrum-E for spectrum engineering

Remote Monitoring – Configured to work with external vendor’s spectrum monitoring products in a remote manner.

Each module can operate independently from each other and can be sold separately.

Software can be accessed via a cloud-subscription or local install. For remote spectrum monitoring, the customer provides Spectrum Center access to the servers that interconnect the spectrum monitoring devices.

high compatibility

As a web-based application, Spectrum-E offers a new level of cross-platform compatibility never previously available. The application can be accessed on a PC, tablet, and even smart phone.

Spectrum Center’s web application can be delivered as a subscription service (SaaS) utilizing Spectrum Center’s cloud services for computational processing, or through a local client-side implementation where the application can be integrated with other systems and legacy tools through scripting on the server-side and/or client-side interfaces.