Spectrum Center Launch

Welcome to Spectrum Center, the industry’s base for radio network planning, modeling, and spectrum management.

Spectrum Center is the unification of former ATDI offices in the US, UK, and Brazil. Spectrum Center will work as one operation under the leadership of president Pierre Missud.

“With over 20 years of achievement, honors and successful relationships with governments, the military, and commerce behind us, Spectrum Center is the name that the sector wants to work with,” Pierre comments.

Spectrum Center will put a particular emphasis in providing SaaS solutions for engineering and e-Licensing as well as software solutions for improving business productivity and automation to current and new customers in spectrum regulation and radio network planning.

“We have a catalog of exciting products which we are building all the time,” Pierre comments, “and we have a network of partners who will help us move into new and valuable markets. The challenges we face as we move forward are great but so is the potential in terms of what we can do for our customers, so we truly are excited about what is to come.”

Spectrum Center is already operational and all products in its catalog are available. Current technical support contracts will be unaffected. Spectrum Center management, staff, location and phone numbers are unchanged. Email addresses are moving to @spectrum.center